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  3. Outreach Materials Library

Outreach Materials Library

Spread the word about signing up as an organ, eye, and tissue donor. Download these free outreach and educational materials. Many of the materials are available in multiple lengths and sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
A graphic that reads, "DoNation: Mes de la Donación de Córneas"
Eye Donation Month

November is Eye Donation Month! Share these graphics in e-newsletters and on social media all month long to boost new organ, eye, and tissue donor registrations and spread the word about giving the selfless gift of sight.

Social Graphic  |  English
Eye Donation Month
Eye Donation Month

November is Eye Donation Month! Share these graphics in e-newsletters and on social media all month long to boost new organ, eye, and tissue donor registrations and spread the word about giving the selfless gift of sight.

Digital  |  English
PowerPoint Template
Make the Case: PowerPoint Template

Use this customizable PowerPoint template to make the case for your campaign and boost organ, eye, and tissue donor registrations.

Digital  |  English
Email Templates
Communicate with Content: Email Templates

Use customizable email content to communicate and share the importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation.

Digital  |  English
Newsletter Templates
Share the News: Newsletter Templates

Use these customizable content templates in your workplace's newsletters to share news, achievements, stories, and more.

Digital  |  English
Public Service Announcements
Spread the Word: Public Service Announcements

Use public service announcement templates to spread the word over PA systems or as announcements on radio stations in your community.

Digital  |  Spanish
DoNation Tarjeta de puntuación de la campaña
2024 – 2025 DoNation Campaign Scorecard

Use the DoNation Campaign Scorecard to track your outreach activities and point totals toward recognition.

Digital  |  Spanish
DoNation: Materiales de reconocimiento 2024
2024 Recognition Materials

Use this suite of recognition materials to celebrate your 2024 DoNation Campaign participation!

Digital  |  English
DoNation: 2024 Recognition Materials
2024 Recognition Materials

Use this suite of recognition materials to celebrate your 2024 DoNation Campaign participation!

Digital  |  English
DoNation Campaign Scorecard
2024 – 2025 DoNation Campaign Scorecard

Use the DoNation Campaign Scorecard to track your outreach activities and point totals toward recognition. 

Social Graphic  |  English
American Workforce Appreciation
American Workforce Appreciation

Share these American Workforce Appreciation graphics in English leading up to and during Labor Day!

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Reconocimiento de la fuerza laboral estadounidense
American Workforce Appreciation

Share these American Workforce Appreciation graphics in Spanish leading up to and during Labor Day!

Social Graphic  |  English
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month

Share these Hispanic Heritage Month graphics in Spanish leading up to and during the months of September and October!

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Mes de la Herencia Hispana
Hispanic Heritage Month

Share these Hispanic Heritage Month graphics in Spanish leading up to and during the months of September and October!

Social Graphic  |  English
National Minority Donor Awareness Month Thumbnail
National Minority Donor Awareness Month

Share these National Minority Donor Awareness Month graphics in English leading up to and during the month of August!

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Mes Nacional de la Concientización sobre la Donación de Órganos en Grupos Minoritarios
National Minority Donor Awareness Month

Share these National Minority Donor Awareness Month graphics in Spanish leading up to and during the month of August!

Video  |  English
An illustration of a group of people smiling and holding up check marks.
Let’s Talk Truth: A Donation Conversation

This animated video addresses common questions people may have about organ donation.

Video  |  Spanish
An illustration of a group of people smiling and holding up check marks.
Let’s Talk Truth: A Donation Conversation

This animated video addresses common questions people may have about organ donation.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
DoNation Mes de la salud masculina
Men's Health Month

Share these Men's Health Month graphics leading up to and during the month of June!

Social Graphic  |  English
Men's Health Month Thumbnail
Men’s Health Month

Share these Men’s Health Month graphics leading up to and during the month of June!

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
DoNation Mes de la Herencia de los Asiáticos Estadounidenses, Nativos de Hawái y de otras Islas del Pacífico
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Share these Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month graphics in Spanish leading up to and during the month of May!

Social Graphic  |  English
AANHPI Heritage Month Thumbnail
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Share these Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month graphics leading up to and during the month of May!

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
DoNation. Mes de los Estadounidenses de Edad Avanzada
Older Americans Month

Share these Older Americans Month graphics in Spanish leading up to and during the month of May!

Social Graphic  |  English
Older Americans Month Thumbnail
Older Americans Month

Share these Older Americans Month graphic leading up to and during the month of May!

Social Graphic  |  English
An illustration of many people holding up check marks. Text reads, "More donors means more hope."
More Donors Means More Hope Social Post

Share this social media graphic to spread the word more organ donors means more hope.

Print  |  English
A sample image of an infographic explaining that more organ donors gives every patient a better chance to find a life-saving match.
Let's Talk Donor Diversity Infographic

An infographic explaining that more organ donors gives every patient a better chance to find a life-saving match. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Print  |  Spanish
A sample image of an infographic explaining that more organ donors gives every patient a better chance to find a life-saving match.
Let's Talk Donor Diversity Infographic

An infographic explaining that more organ donors gives every patient a better chance to find a life-saving match. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Print  |  Spanish
A thumbnail previewing the print PSA encouraging organ donation.
More Donors, More Hope Print PSA

This print PSA explains that every organ donor offers hope and encourages more people to discover their life-saving potential.

Print  |  English
A thumbnail previewing the print PSA encouraging organ donation.
More Donors, More Hope Print PSA

This print PSA explains that every organ donor offers hope and encourages more people to discover their life-saving potential.

Print  |  English
The gift of life
Organ Donation and Transplantation: How Does It Work?
Watch HRSA's animated video that explains the transplant waiting list, how to become a donor and the process of matching organs.
Social Graphic  |  Spanish
A child's drawing of a family. Text reads, "Más donantes de órganos significa más esperanza para familias"
Hope for Families Social Post

Share this social media graphic to spread the word more organ donors means more hope for families.

Social Graphic  |  English
A child's drawing of a family. Text reads, "More organ donors means more hope for families"
Hope for Families Social Post

Share this social media graphic to spread the word more organ donors means more hope for families.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
An illustration of many people holding up check marks. Text reads, "Más donantes significa más esperanza."
More Donors Means More Hope Social Post

Share this social media graphic to spread the word more organ donors means more hope.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
An illustration of many people holding up check marks. Text reads, "Más donantes significa más esperanza."
More Donors, More Hope Social Media Covers

Use this social media cover/header to spread the message that more organ donors means more hope.

Social Graphic  |  English
An illustration of many people holding up check marks. Text reads, "More organ donors means more hope."
More Donors, More Hope Social Media Covers

Use this social media cover/header to spread the message that more organ donors means more hope.

Social Graphic  |  English
An illustration of many people holding up check marks. Text reads, "More Donors, More Hope"
More Donors, More Hope Web Banners

A web banner (in two sizes) sharing the important message that more donors means more hope.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
An illustration of many people holding up check marks. Text reads, "Más donantes, más esperanza"
More Donors, More Hope Web Banners

A web banner (in two sizes) sharing the important message that more donors means more hope.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
A child's drawing of a family. Text reads, "Más donantes de órganos significa más esperanza para familias"
More Hope for Families Web Banners

A web banner (in two sizes) sharing the meaningful message that more donors means more hope for families.

Social Graphic  |  English
A child's drawing of a family. Text reads, "More organ donors means more hope for families"
More Hope for Families Web Banners

A web banner (in two sizes) sharing the meaningful message that more donors means more hope for families.

Social Graphic  |  English
An illustration of many people holding up illustrations of organs. Text reads, "Your 'yes' means more hope for people in need."
Your "Yes" Social Post

Share this social media graphic to spread the word that saying "yes" to being an organ donor means more hope for patients on the waiting list.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
An illustration of many people holding up illustrations of organs. Text reads, "Tu 'Sí' significa más esperanza para las personas que la necesitan."
Your "Yes" Social Post

Share this social media graphic to spread the word that saying "yes" to being an organ donor means more hope for patients on the waiting list.

Video  |  English
Made Possible By - Caitlin's Story

Learn about Caitlin, a six-year old girl who was saved by a liver transplant when she was 5 months old. Sign up today to become an organ donor and help save a life.

Video  |  English
Made Possible By - Carlee's Story
Learn about Carlee's story, a 15-year old tennis player and two-time heart recipient. Sign up today to become an organ donor and help save a life.
Video  |  English
Made Possible By - Chris's Story
Chris shows how organ donation can take someone from kidney failure to competing in triathlons. Becoming an organ donor helps others reach their victories. Sign up today to become an organ donor.
Video  |  English
A group of smiling people gather around a phone.
More Donors, More Hope Web Video

In this video, a young boy learns that his mother needs a kidney transplant and steps up to give her a better chance of a donor match.

Video  |  Spanish
A group of smiling people gather around a phone.
More Donors, More Hope Web Video

In this video, a young boy learns that his mother needs a kidney transplant and steps up to give her a better chance of a donor match.

Video  |  English
An animated image of a man and woman holding a present.
The Basics of Living Organ Donation

A video explaining how someone can donate an organ while alive and how living donation can benefit others.

Video  |  English
VCA Organ Transplantation Web Video
Learn about Brendan Marrocco's story, a soldier who lost his limbs during his time in Iraq and a recipient of double arm transplantation. Register to become an organ donor and help save a life.
Digital  |  English
DoNation logo and text that reads, "Email Signature Graphic"
Email Signature Graphic

Add this graphic to your email signature block to share your DoNation participation with every email.

Digital  |  Spanish
DoNation logo and text that reads, "Gráfico para la firma del correo electrónico"
Email Signature Graphic

Add this graphic to your email signature block to share your DoNation participation with every email.

Digital  |  English
National Donate Life Month
National Donate Life Month

Share this series of National Donate Life Month graphics leading up to and during the month of April!

Digital  |  Spanish
DoNation Mes Nacional de Donación de Órganos
National Donate Life Month

Share this series of National Donate Life Month graphics in Spanish leading up to and during the month of April!

Social Graphic  |  English
National Kidney Month Thumbnail
National Kidney Month

Share these National Kidney Month graphics leading up to and during the month of March.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Donation: Mes Nacional del Riñón
National Kidney Month

Share these National Kidney Month graphics in Spanish leading up to and during the month of March.

Social Graphic  |  English
Donor Day
Celebrate Donors on National Donor Day

Share the love for organ donors! Share this series of Valentine’s Day inspired graphics on social media leading up to and on National Donor Day (Feb. 14) to encourage new organ, eye, and tissue donor sign ups.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Dia Del Donante thumbnail
Celebrate Donors on National Donor Day

Share the love for organ donors! Share this series of Spanish Valentine’s Day inspired graphics on social media leading up to and on National Donor Day (Feb. 14) to encourage new organ, eye, and tissue donor sign ups.

Video  |  Spanish
Dan and Molly, both wearing sunglasses, walk outside together.
How Living Donation Saved Dan's Life

A video, in Spanish, featuring Dan, who after battling advanced kidney disease, received a life-saving kidney through living donation — a process that is helping to expand the supply of organs available to many people who are waiting for a kidney or liver transplant.

Video  |  English
Dan and Molly, both wearing sunglasses, walk outside together.
How Living Donation Saved Dan's Life

A video featuring Dan, who after battling advanced kidney disease, received a life-saving kidney through living donation — a process that is helping to expand the supply of organs available to many people who are waiting for a kidney or liver transplant.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Text that reads, "DoNation. Temporada de dar"
Celebrate the Season of Giving

‘Tis the season to celebrate and share the gift of life! Share this series of Spanish seasonal graphics on social media or in emails to celebrate this special season of giving. Encourage new organ, eye, and tissue donors to sign up throughout the entire holiday season.

Social Graphic  |  English
Season of Giving
Celebrate the Season of Giving

‘Tis the season to celebrate and share the gift of life! Share this series of seasonal graphics on social media or in emails to celebrate this special season of giving. Encourage new organ, eye, and tissue donors to sign up throughout the entire holiday season.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
A graphic that reads, "DoNation: Mes de la Herencia Nativa Americana
National Native American Heritage Month

Share these National Native American Heritage Month graphics leading up to and during the month of November!

Social Graphic  |  English
National Native American Heritage Month Thumbnail
National Native American Heritage Month

Share these National Native American Heritage Month graphics leading up to and during the month of November!

Digital  |  English
Donor Sabbath
Donor Sabbath

Download Donor Sabbath resources here, including a myth-busting handout about common misconceptions, a Faith Leaders’ Guide to Supporting Donor Sabbath, and social media graphics that showcase support for organ donation as a person or community of faith.  

Digital  |  English
Capture Their Attention: Screensavers
Capture Their Attention: Screensavers

Use screensavers in your workplace's internal TV network or screensaver rotation to help spread the word about the campaign. Add your workplace's logo to the customizable screensaver template!

Digital  |  English
An image that reads: DoNation Rack Card
DoNation Rack Card

Use the DoNation Rack Card in print or digital form to introduce the campaign's purpose and key resources to potential partners.

Digital  |  English
An image that reads: DoNation Virtual Meeting Background
Virtual Meeting Background

Promote your campaign participation in meetings with DoNation's customizable virtual meeting background. Add your workplace's logo!

Digital  |  English
Web Banners
Boost New Sign-Ups: Web Banners

Customize the banner or badge below and feature it prominently on your workplace's website to link to your organ, eye, and tissue registry.

Digital  |  English
Campaign Backgrounder
Campaign Backgrounder

Use this campaign backgrounder to demonstrate the campaign’s impact and purpose and encourage workplace leaders to join the campaign.

Digital  |  English
Printable Barometers
Chart Your Progress: Printable Barometers

Use engaging barometer graphics to track progress toward workplace goals and inspire ongoing registrations.

Digital  |  English
A graphic that reads, "DoNation Campaign Toolkit"
DoNation Campaign Toolkit

Find everything you need to run a successful campaign in the DoNation Campaign toolkit!

Digital  |  English
Campaign FAQs
Get the Facts: FAQs

Use this informative FAQ guide to learn more about the campaign.

Digital  |  English
DoNation Pathway to Recognition Scorecard Worksheets
Pathway to Recognition Scorecard Worksheets

Use the Pathway to Recognition Scorecard Worksheets to follow a path of preselected campaign activities guaranteed to earn recognition.

Print  |  English
Donation Campaign Recruit and Engage Guide
Campaign Recruit and Engage Guide

Read the DoNation Recruitment and Engagement Guide for tips and talking points about the benefits of participating in DoNation.

Video  |  Spanish
Man with his arms outstretched. Yellow, orange, purple and pink colors swirl around him.
The Power to Save Lives - As an Organ Donor

HRSA celebrates the transformative and inspiring power of organ donation. People of all races, young and old, have the potential to give the gift of life as organ donors. You have the power to save lives.

Video  |  English
Man with arms outstretched. Yellow, orange, pink and purple colors swirl around him.
The Power to Save Lives – As an Organ Donor

HRSA celebrates the transforming, inspiring power of organ donation. People of every race, young and old, have the potential to pass along the gift of life as an organ donor. You have the power to save lives.

Video  |  Spanish
An animated image of a man and woman holding a present.
The Basics of Living Organ Donation

A video, in Spanish, explaining how someone can donate an organ while alive and how living donation can benefit others.

Digital  |  English
Diversifying DoNation Toolkit thumbnail image.
Diversifying DoNation Toolkit

Find everything you need to build diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect into your DoNation Campaign!

Digital  |  English
The good in you can live on
Good in You - Option 1

These banners depict the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Campaign Social Media Graphics

Post these graphics on social media to highlight your participation in the campaign.

Social Graphic  |  English
Social Media Graphics
Campaign Social Media Graphics

Post these graphics on social media to highlight your participation in the campaign.

Social Graphic  |  English
Black History Month Thumbnail
Black History Month

Share this series of Black History Month graphics leading up to and during the month of February!

Social Graphic  |  English
Juneteenth Thumbnail

Share this Juneteenth graphic leading up to and on June 19!

Social Graphic  |  English
Minority Health Month Thumbnail
Minority Health Month

Share this Minority Health Month graphic leading up to and during the month of April!

Social Graphic  |  English
Pride Month Thumbnail
Pride Month

Share this Pride Month graphic leading up to and during the month of June!

Social Graphic  |  English
Women's History Month Thumbnail
Women’s History Month

Share this Women’s History Month graphic leading up to and during the month of March!

Social Graphic  |  English
Share this social media graphic to show your followers where they can go to learn about living organ donation.
Live to See It - Birthday

Share this social media graphic to show your followers where they can go to learn about living organ donation.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Share this social media graphic to show your followers where they can go to learn about living organ donation.
Live to See It - Birthday

Share this social media graphic to show your followers where they can go to learn about living organ donation.

Social Graphic  |  English
Share this social media graphic to show your followers where they can go to learn about living organ donation.
Live to See It - Theme Park

Share this social media graphic to show your followers where they can go to learn about living organ donation.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Share this social media graphic to show your followers where they can go to learn about living organ donation.
Live to See It - Theme Park

Share this social media graphic to show your followers where they can go to learn about living organ donation.

Print  |  English
An infographic showing the living organ donation process and statistics.
Giving While Living: All About Living Organ Donation

An infographic showing the living organ donation process and statistics. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Print  |  Spanish
An infographic showing the living organ donation process and statistics.
Giving While Living: All About Living Organ Donation

An infographic showing the living organ donation process and statistics. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Print  |  Spanish
A fact sheet explaining living organ donation information, benefits, and considerations for potential living donor transplant recipients.
Living Donation: Live to See What Your Gift Can Do

A fact sheet explaining living organ donation benefits, outcomes, and considerations for potential living donors. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Print  |  English
A fact sheet explaining living organ donation benefits, outcomes, and considerations for potential living donors.
Living Donation: Live to See What Your Gift Can Do

A fact sheet explaining living organ donation benefits, outcomes, and considerations for potential living donors. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Print  |  Spanish
A fact sheet explaining living organ donation benefits, outcomes, and considerations for potential living donors.
What to Know About Living Organ Donor Transplantation

A fact sheet explaining living organ donation information, benefits, and considerations for potential living donor transplant recipients. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Print  |  English
A fact sheet explaining living organ donation information, benefits, and considerations for potential living donor transplant recipients.
What to Know About Living Organ Donor Transplantation

A fact sheet explaining living organ donation information, benefits, and considerations for potential living donor transplant recipients. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Digital  |  English
Give 5 Save Lives
Give 5 Save Lives

Give 5 Save Lives is an easy-to-implement tactic you can employ as part of the DoNation Campaign. It takes only 5 minutes to sign up as a donor. Spread the word with these graphics!

Digital  |  English
Certificate of Enrollment
Promote Your Participation: Certificate

Use this customizable participation certificate to showcase your commitment to increasing organ, eye, and tissue registrations.

Print  |  English
Campaign Poster
Enliven Public Spaces: Poster

Use this pre-designed poster to brighten up high-traffic areas and promote your campaign goals.

Video  |  English
Any Age is the Right Age: Donation for People Over 50

Too many people over the age of 50 think they’re too old to be organ donors. Not true! Learn more and hear what others think about organ donation for people over 50.

Video  |  Spanish
Good In You Videos

These TV PSAs and web videos depict the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life.

Video  |  Spanish
Transplant Talk: Your Organs Are Amazing! Here’s Why

This animated video describes the important role of our eight major organs and how recipients’ lives are transformed because of the new organs and tissues they receive. 

Video  |  English
First Day of Spring Graphic
Let Life Bloom This Spring

Spring into the season! Use this social media graphic and a blooming animation to boost new donor sign ups!

Print  |  English
Promoting Organ Donor registration: How to Get Sign-Ups & Save Lives with Online Influencer Marketing
Influencer Marketing Tip Sheet

This tip sheet provides best practices on how to get sign-ups and save lives with online influencer marketing.

Print  |  English
Made Possible By - Blake Option 2

These banners depict Blake, 15, and his mother Robin. Blake feels the power of donation in his heart every time he plays soccer.

Digital  |  Spanish
Lo mejor de ti puede perdurar.
Good in You - Option 1

These banners depict the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes.

Digital  |  English
The good in you can live on.
Good in You - Option 2

These banners depict the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes.

Digital  |  Spanish
Lo bueno de ti puede perdurar.
Good in You - Option 2

These banners depict the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes.

Digital  |  Spanish
Made Possible By - America

Thanks to her kidney donors, America can continue to share the love of her family. These banners are in Spanish.

Digital  |  English
Made Possible By - America

Thanks to her kidney donors, America can continue to share the love of her family.

Digital  |  English
Made Possible By - Blake Option 1

These banners depict Blake, 15, and his mother Robin. Blake feels the power of donation in his heart every time he plays soccer.

Digital  |  English
Made Possible By - Blake Option 2

These banners depict Blake, 15, and his mother Robin. Blake feels the power of donation in his heart every time he plays soccer.

Digital  |  English
Made Possible By - Caitlin

These banners depict Caitlin, saved by a liver transplant when she was five months old. Available in multiple sizes.

Digital  |  English
Made Possible By - Carlee

These banners depict Carlee, a dynamic 15-year-old dancer and two-time heart recipient. Available in multiple sizes.

Digital  |  English
The strength of a soldier The hands of a donor
VCA Transplant

These banners depict Brendan Marrocco, a soldier who lost his limbs in Iraq, and the vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) that restored his freedom.

Digital  |  Spanish
La fortaleza de un soldado. Las manos de un donante.
VCA Transplant

These banners depict Brendan Marrocco, a soldier who lost his limbs in Iraq, and the vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) that restored his freedom.

Digital  |  Spanish
We Believe

Registered organ donors can be any age, come from any background and speak any language, but they all believe the gift of life is too precious to waste. The “We Believe” campaign urges us all to join in and sign up.

Digital  |  English
We Believe

Registered organ donors can be any age, come from any background and speak any language, but they all believe the gift of life is too precious to waste. The “We Believe” campaign urges us all to join in and sign up.

Print  |  English
Let the good in you live on. 5 reasons to pass along the gift of life.
5 Reasons to Pass Along the Gift of Life

This fact sheet explores five reasons why people register as organ donors and encourages more people to sign up so the good in them can live on.

Print  |  Spanish
Good in You - Option 1

This Print PSA depicts the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes & custom sizes by request. 

Print  |  English
Good in You - Option 1

This Print PSA depicts the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes & custom sizes by request. 

Print  |  Spanish
Good in You - Option 2

This Print PSA depicts the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes & custom sizes by request.

Print  |  English
Good in You - Option 2

This Print PSA depicts the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes & custom sizes by request.

Print  |  English
Good In You - Option 3

This Print PSA depicts the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes & custom sizes by request.

Print  |  Spanish
Good In You - Option 3

This Print PSA depicts the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes & custom sizes by request. 

Print  |  Spanish
Good In You - Option 4

This Print PSA depicts the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes & custom sizes by request.

Print  |  English
Good In You - Option 4

This Print PSA depicts the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in multiple sizes & custom sizes by request.

Print  |  Spanish
Made Possible By - Amalia Option 1

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.   

Print  |  English
Made Possible By - Amalia Option 1

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.   

Print  |  English
Made Possible By - Amalia Option 2

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.

Print  |  English
My second chance at life was made possible by an organ donor. — America
Made Possible By - America

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.

Print  |  Spanish
"Mi segunda opportunidad en la vida fue posible gracias a un donante de organos." — America
Made Possible By - America

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.

Print  |  English
Blake - his second chance at life made possible by an organ donor
Made Possible By - Blake Option 1

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.

Print  |  English
Made Possible By - Caitlin

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.

Print  |  English
Made Possible By - Carlee

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.

Print  |  Spanish
Made Possible By - Carlee

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.

Print  |  English
Chris: Made possible by an organ donor
Made Possible By - Chris

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.

Print  |  English
Made Possible By - Roxanne

Every day, organ, eye, and tissue donors make amazing stories possible. These stories of lives saved and transformed through donation could inspire more people from every background to register.   

Print  |  Spanish
El regalo de la vida
Organ Donation and Transplantation: How Does It Work?

An infographic explaining the organ donation and transplantation process.  A companion piece to the videos of the same name. Print on 8-1/2” x 11” paper.

Print  |  Spanish
El sistema de trasplante de órganos
Transplantation System Infographic

This infographic provides an overview of the national organ transplantation system.

Print  |  English
The Organ Transplantation System
Transplantation System Infographic

This infographic provides an overview of the national organ transplantation system.

Print  |  English
things to know about VCA organ transplants
VCA Organ Transplant Fact Sheet

This fact sheet offers an overview of Vascularized Composite Allograft (VCA) organ transplantation. Topics include what VCA organ transplants are, how these transplants work, and answers to commonly asked questions.

Print  |  English
Health Trend
VCA Transplant Matte Release

This matte release explains what VCA transplants are, who they help, how they work, and how they change lives. The matte release is well suited for local newspapers and similar publications.

Print  |  English
The strength of a soldier The hands of a donor.
VCA Transplant PSA

This Print PSA depicts Brendan Marrocco, a soldier who lost his limbs in Iraq, and the vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) that restored his freedom.

Print  |  Spanish
La fortaleza de un soldado. Las manos de un donante.
VCA Transplant PSA

This Print PSA depicts Brendan Marrocco, a soldier who lost his limbs in Iraq, and the vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) that restored his freedom.

Print  |  English
We Believe - Option 1

Registered organ donors can be any age, come from any background and speak any language, but they all believe the gift of life is too precious to waste. The “We Believe” campaign urges us all to join in and sign up.

Print  |  Spanish
We Believe - Option 1

Registered organ donors can be any age, come from any background and speak any language, but they all believe the gift of life is too precious to waste. The “We Believe” campaign urges us all to join in and sign up.

Print  |  Spanish
We Believe - Option 2

Registered organ donors can be any age, come from any background and speak any language, but they all believe the gift of life is too precious to waste. The “We Believe” campaign urges us all to join in and sign up.

Print  |  English
We Believe - Option 2

Registered organ donors can be any age, come from any background and speak any language, but they all believe the gift of life is too precious to waste. The “We Believe” campaign urges us all to join in and sign up.

Print  |  English
The gift of life
What You Need to Know About Donation

This four-panel brochure covers the basics about donation, including 10 Frequently Asked Questions, stories of recipients, and the increasing need for registered donors. Print on 8-1/2" x 14" paper.

Radio  |  English
The good in you can live on.
Good In You Radio

These Radio PSAs depict the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in :30 and :60 lengths.

Radio  |  Spanish
Lo bueno de ti puede perdurar.
Good In You Radio

These Radio PSAs depict the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life. Available in :30 and :60 lengths.

Radio  |  Spanish
Made Possible By - America Radio

America has received two kidney transplants and is grateful for the opportunity to spend more time with her family.

Radio  |  English
Chris: Made possible by an organ donor
Made Possible By - Chris Radio

After a kidney transplant, Chris lived on to become a husband, a father—and even an Ironman.

Radio  |  English
Made Possible By - Roxane Radio

When Roxanne received a heart transplant, she devoted herself to organ donation. Her goal—to sign up the most people in the United States.

Radio  |  English
This new-found strength was made possible by an organ donor.
Made Possible By - Steve Radio

Close to death, Steve received the gift of a lung transplant. Now every year, he climbs a 94-floor skyscraper to honor his donor.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Lo mejor de ti puede perdurar.
Good In You - Option 1

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
the good in you can live on.
Good In You - Option 1

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
The good in you can live on.
Good In You - Option 2

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Lo mejor de ti puede perdurar.
Good in You - Option 2

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Esta caja contiene la promesa de la vida.
Good In You - Option 3

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
This box holds the promise of life
Good In You - Option 3

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
Say yes! Give the gift of life
Good In You - Option 4

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Diga que si. De el regalo de la vida.
Good In You - Option 4

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Good In You - Option 5

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
Good In You - Option 5

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Good In You - Option 6

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
Good In You - Option 6

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
Good In You - Option 7

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes. 

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Good In You - Option 7

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
Good In You - Option 8

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Good In You - Option 8

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Ayudar al sargento Marrocco a recuperar su libertad requirio operaciones especiales.
VCA Transplant - Option 1

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes. 

Social Graphic  |  English
Helping Sgt. Marrocco regain his freedom took special ops.
VCA Transplant - Option 1

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
La fortaleza de un soldado. Las manos de un donante.
VCA Transplant - Option 2

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
The strength of a soldier The hands of a donor.
VCA Transplant - Option 2

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
Our country gave him a purple heart, Hands transplants gave him freedom.
VCA Transplant - Option 3

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Nuestro pais le dio un corazon purpura. Los trasplantes de manos le dieron libertad.
VCA Transplant - Option 3

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Perdio sus brazos luchando por la libertad. Los trasplantes de manos recobraron su independencia.
VCA Transplant - Option 4

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
He lost his arms fighting for freedom. Hand transplants won him independence.
VCA Transplant - Option 4

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Perdio sus brazos luchando por la libertad. Los trasplantes de manos recobraron su independencia.
VCA Transplant - Option 5

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes. 

Social Graphic  |  English
New hands gave hope to this hero.
VCA Transplant - Option 5

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
People say, wait, they are real? I say, yes, My hands came from a donor.
VCA Transplant - Option 6

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
"La gente dice, un momento, son reales? Yo digo que si. Mis manos provienen de un donante."
VCA Transplant - Option 6

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
We Believe - Option 1

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
We Believe - Option 1

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
We Believe - Option 2

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
We Believe - Option 2

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
We believe in giving life after life. we are registered organ donors. Join us. Sign up. Believe.
We Believe - Option 3

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Creemos en dar vida despues da la vida. Somos donantes de organos registrados. Unase. Inscribase. Crea.
We Believe - Option 3

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Creemos que el regalo mas grande es el regalo de la vida. Somos donantes de organos registrados. Unase. Inscribase. Crea.
We Believe - Option 4

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
We believe the greatest gift is the gift of life. We are registered organ donors. Join us. Sign up. Believe.
We Believe - Option 4

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
We are registered organ donors. 138 Million Strong. Join us. Sign up. Believe.
We Believe - Option 5

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes. 

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Somos donantes de organos registrados. Sumamos 138 millones. Unase. Inscribase. Crea.
We Believe - Option 5

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
De todas las edades. Jovenes y grandes. Somos donantes de organos registrados. Unase. Inscribase. Crea.
We Believe - Option 6

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
We are all ages. Young and old. We are registered organ donors. Join us. Sign up. Believe.
We Believe - Option 6

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  English
We believe in saving lives.
We Believe - Option 7

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Social Graphic  |  Spanish
Creemos en salvar vidas. Somos donantes de organos registrados. Unase. Inscribase. Crea.
We Believe - Option 7

Help spread the word about the importance of organ donation on your own social media channels with these downloadable graphics. Available in multiple sizes.

Video  |  English
Good In You Videos

These TV PSAs and web videos depict the amazing power of organ donation through the perspectives of an organ donor and recipients receiving the gift of life.

Video  |  English
How to Register as an Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donor

This animated video describes three easy ways to sign up to become an organ, eye, and tissue donor.

Video  |  Spanish
Made Possible By - Amalia's Story

Amalia is a grandmother, mother, wife and heart recipient. In this video, she and her husband Eduardo talk about how many Hispanics in the U.S. are waiting for an organ transplant, and what you need to know about registering. In Spanish.

Video  |  Spanish
Made Possible By - America's Story

Thanks to her kidney donors, America can continue to share the love of her family. In these videos, she shares her story in Spanish.

Video  |  English
Made Possible By - Blake's Story

These videos feature Blake, 15, and his mother Robin. Blake feels the power of donation in his heart every time he plays soccer.

Video  |  English
Organ Donation and Transplantation: How Does It Work?

This animated video explains the transplant waiting list, how someone becomes a donor, the process of matching organs, and signing up to share the gift of life.

Video  |  Spanish
Organ Donation and Transplantation: How Does It Work? 

This animated video explains the transplant waiting list, how someone becomes a donor, the process of matching organs, and signing up to share the gift of life.

Video  |  Spanish
¡Averigüémoslo con este juego de preguntas y respuestas!
Organ Donation with the Quizmaster

How much do you know about organ, eye, and tissue donation? Watch this video to test your knowledge.

Video  |  English
Let's check with the Quizmaster!
Organ Donation with the Quizmaster

How much do you know about organ, eye, and tissue donation? Watch this video to test your knowledge.

Video  |  English
Roxanne: A New Heart After 50

Roxanne received her life-saving heart transplant at 56 years old. In this short video, she shares her story, tells how she honors her donor, and encourages others to sign up no matter their age.

Video  |  English
Transplant Talk: Your Organs Are Amazing! Here’s Why

This animated video describes the important role of our eight major organs and how recipients’ lives are transformed because of the new organs and tissues they receive.

Video  |  Spanish
VCA Organ Transplantation Web Video

This video tells the story of Brendan Marrocco, a solider who lost his limbs in Iraq, and the vascularized composite allografts (VCAs) that restored his freedom.

Video  |  English
You're Never Too Old

This video explains the importance of registering as an organ, eye, and tissue donor no matter your age. Sandy, Nick, Amalia, Steve, and Roxanne talk about the impact donation has had on their lives and let others know that they are never "too old" to donate.